Navin Balraadjsing

Navin Balraadjsing

Calm – precise – analytical – good listener – ambitious


What does your job as an account manager at Selectum entail?

Along with our sales team, I take care of client contacts in our industries. I also approach existing contacts from our database and potential new candidates. As a job agency for technical professionals, we are expanding our network to generate new business and establish long-term relationships with our candidates and clients. To achieve this, I search online and explore my colleagues’ network.


How did you get in contact with Selectum?

Before this, I worked in sales at Z- Energy, as an account manager. Solar panels, charging stations for home and business locations, anything to do with renewable energy. After working in sales for a while, I wanted to delve deeper into the technology of renewable energy. Also I wanted to know more about the people who work on these kinds of sustainable solutions.

My official position here is Account Manager Technology, so I am in the right place. The working area covers Selectum’s traditional market, but also wind energy, hydrogen, CO2 and all other possible forms of renewable energy.

I regularly come along to our clients, such as Tata Steel and Worley. Those visits are deep dives, exactly what you need in my position.


What are important skills as an account manager?

In my job, you have to find out what needs our clients and candidates have. You need to know what they want for now, and in what direction they wish to go in the future. An important key is being a good listener and – above all – not making any assumptions.

Furthermore, you have to be able to make a good translation of the received information. The aim is always that all 3 parties (candidates, clients and Selectum) can develop a good, long-term relationship. This might be even more important than a good match.


What do you enjoy most about your position?

Selectum seconds at top level. That means I learn a lot about the recruitment of technical professionals and how they are deployed to our clients. The work areas in which we place our people are also extremely interesting to me. Offshore, storage- and transshipment sites, refineries, a lot is going on now in terms of sustainability.
What interests me most? The combination of technology, the people in the working areas and their vision. How will we move into the future regarding sustainability, how do we deploy renewable energy as quickly and efficiently as possible?

It is my ambition to become an experienced account manager in our industries. A competent interlocutor, helping both our clients and candidates move forward.


What is on your calendar for today?

I’m busy matching job descriptions with the technical professionals in our database. In doing so, I achieve an even better understanding of our vacancies, candidates and the needs of our clients.


What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Sports. Especially indoor football. I can do that in my living area and two or three times a week I indulge myself completely kicking that ball!

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Selectum b.v.
Benoordenhoutseweg 23
2596 BA Den Haag
070 – 324 28 00